New Orleans Fair Grounds Race Course. This is the opening day of the season and it’s an event not to be missed. Many families will celebrate the day at home, feasting on their traditional meal, and then they all head to the fairgrounds to enjoy the rest of the day. It’s a deep dip into New Orleans culture that spans our local melting pot. You have the diehard horse betting folks, the New Orleans elite, and our French Quarter rats all mixed and mingling together enjoying the fact that it’s Thanksgiving, the horses are racing again, and in New Orleans, the weather tends to be pretty mild on Thanksgiving day.And for those who aren’t interested in all the cooking (and cleaning!!), you can reserve one of their VIP tables and enjoy their buffet style meal at the track. That’s where we’ll be this year, along with a few of our clients. They’re likely sold out at this point; these tables go fast!Photo credit: Fair Grounds & Race Course website Clubhouse Reservations; New Opening Day Premium Tables Offer VIP Experience | Fair Grounds Race Course & Slots.If you’re still looking for Thanksgiving meal options and would prefer not to cook, all of Chef John Besh’s restaurants will be open on Thanksgiving Day and they are certain to be a great option. We’ll be at Commander’s Palace (sold out) and then we will see you at the track!!]]